Multiple Choice Questions


Which one correctly describe reproduction and life cycle of fern?

  • Spore → Gamete → Prothallus → Sporophyte

  • Gamete → Spore → Prothallus → Plant

  • Prothallus → Sporophyte → Gamete → Fern

  • Sporangia → Spore → Prothallus → Sporophyte → Plant


Prothallus → Sporophyte → Gamete → Fern

During favourable month sporangia are produced on the underside of the margin of leaves in ferns. After development, it becomes dry and bursts so release spores. These spores germinate on the suitable substrate. Each spore absorbs water, then ruptures and produce gree filament which grows into prothallus (heart-shaped) prothallus develops into young sporophyte which in turn grows into an adult plant.


Plants having little or no secondary growth are

  • Grasses

  • Deciduous angiosperms

  • Cycads

  • Conifers

Which one of the following generally acts as an antagonist to gibberellins?

  • Zeatin

  • Ethylene

  • ABA

  • IAA

Pneumatophores occur in

  • Halophytes

  • Free-floating hydrophytes

  • Submerged hydrophytes

  • Carnivorous plants

Phellogen and phellem respectively denote

  • Cork and cork cambium

  • Cork cambium and cork

  • Secondary cortex and cork

  • Cork and secondary cortex


Which of the following is not an auxin?

  • IM

  • IBA

  • Zeatin

  • NM

Hormone inducing fruit ripening is

  • Cytokinin

  • Ethylene

  • Aabscissic acid

  • Gibberellic acid

Which of the following properties is shown by cytokinins?

  • Delay leaf senescence

  • Cause leaf abscission

  • Promote seed dormancy

  • Promote stornatal closing

Sweet potato is a modified

  • Stem

  • Adventitious root

  • Rhizome

  • Tap root


Genetic dwarfism can be overcome by

  • Gibberellin

  • Ethylene

  • Auxin

  • ABA
