Multiple Choice Questions


Avena curvature test is a bioassay for examining the activity of

  • auxins

  • cytokinins

  • gibberellins

  • ethylene.



Bioassay is a testing of biological activity like growth response of a substance by employing plant part. Avena curvature test is a bioassay for examining the activity of auxins. It is based upon experiments of Went. 10° curvature is produced by auxin concentration of150 g/lit at 250C and 90% relative humidity. It can measure auxin upto 300g/litre. Auxin from shoot tip or any other plant organ is allowed to diffuse in a standard size agar block. 15- 30 mm long oat coleoptile grown in dark is held vertically over water. 1 mm tip of colcoptile is removed without injuring the primary leaf. After 3 hours a second decapitation is carried out for 4mm distance. Primary leaf is now pulled loose and agar block supported against it at the tip of decapitated coleoptile. After 90- 100 mm the coleoptile is found to have bent. The curvature is measured


Cork cambium results in the formation of cork which becomes impermeable to water due to the accumulation of

  • resins

  • lignins

  • suberin

  • tannins.

Pruning of plants promotes branching because the axillary buds get sensitized to

  • ethylene

  • gibberellin

  • cytokinin

  • indole acetic acid.

Tendrils exhibit/twining of tendrils is due to

  • thigmotropism

  • seismonasty

  • heliotropism

  • diageotropism

Ethylene is a

  • gaseous hormone

  • gaseous enzyme

  • liquid-gas mixture

  • solid hormone


'Climacteric' is

  • a phenomenon related to fruit ripening

  • the condition of a plant when all its fruits are almost ripe

  • the condition of a plant when most of its leaves have turned yellow

  • none of the above

Gibberellins can promote seed germination because of their influence on

  • rate of cell division

  • production of hydrolyzing enzymes

  • synthesis of abscisic acid

  • absorption of water through hard seed coat

Which chemical is used for induction of polyploidy?

  • Cytokinin

  • Nitrous acid

  • Colchicine

  • IAA

The plants respond to photoperiods due to the presence of :

  • enzymes

  • stomata

  • phytochromes

  • phytohormones


In a plant organ which is covered by periderm and in which the stomata are absent, some gaseous exchange still takes place through

  • aerenchyma

  • trichornes

  • pneumatophores

  • lenticels.
