Multiple Choice Questions


In a plant organ which is covered by periderm and in which the stomata are absent, some gaseous exchange still takes place through

  • aerenchyma

  • trichornes

  • pneumatophores

  • lenticels.



Due to continued formation of secondary tissues in the older stem and roots however the epidermis gets stressed and ultimately tends to rupture and followed by death of epidermal cells and outer tissues, and a new protective layer is developed called periderm. Structurally it consists of three parts Phellogen or Cork cambium, phellem or cork and phelloderm. Usually in the periderm of most plants, certain areas with loosely arranged cells have been found, which possess more or less raised and corky spots where the underneath tissues break through the epidermis. Such areas are universally found in the stems of woody plants. These broken areas are called lenticels, which perform the function of exchange of gases in the absence of stomata.


Which chemical is used for induction of polyploidy?

  • Cytokinin

  • Nitrous acid

  • Colchicine

  • IAA

Pruning of plants promotes branching because the axillary buds get sensitized to

  • ethylene

  • gibberellin

  • cytokinin

  • indole acetic acid.

The plants respond to photoperiods due to the presence of :

  • enzymes

  • stomata

  • phytochromes

  • phytohormones

Tendrils exhibit/twining of tendrils is due to

  • thigmotropism

  • seismonasty

  • heliotropism

  • diageotropism


'Climacteric' is

  • a phenomenon related to fruit ripening

  • the condition of a plant when all its fruits are almost ripe

  • the condition of a plant when most of its leaves have turned yellow

  • none of the above

Cork cambium results in the formation of cork which becomes impermeable to water due to the accumulation of

  • resins

  • lignins

  • suberin

  • tannins.

Gibberellins can promote seed germination because of their influence on

  • rate of cell division

  • production of hydrolyzing enzymes

  • synthesis of abscisic acid

  • absorption of water through hard seed coat

Ethylene is a

  • gaseous hormone

  • gaseous enzyme

  • liquid-gas mixture

  • solid hormone


Avena curvature test is a bioassay for examining the activity of

  • auxins

  • cytokinins

  • gibberellins

  • ethylene.
