Multiple Choice Questions


The ability of the venus flytrap to capture insects is due to

  • chemical stimulation by the prey

  • a passive process requiring no special ability on the part of the plant

  • specialized "muscle-like" cells

  • rapid turgor pressure changes


rapid turgor pressure changes

Insectivorous plants grow in water logged, swampy soils, deficient in nitrogenous compounds. These plants obtain their nitrogen compounds from the insects. Therefore, known as semi- autotrophic or semi- heterotrophic plants.

Dionea or venus fly trp is an insectivorous plant. They have winged petiole leaves and two toothed jaws. Upper surface of each jaw consists of long shaped hair or bristles. The hair are very sensitive to touch stimulus. Therefore, when an insect touches these hair, the stimulus causes rapid turgor pressure which results in closing of the leaf.


Which on eof the following is a saprophytic bryophyte?

  • Riccia fluitans

  • Buxbaumia aphylla

  • Funaria hygrometrica

  • Sphagnum

Which of the following is not the feature of gymnosperms?

  • parallel venation

  • perennial plants

  • distinct branches (long and short branches)

  • xylem with vessels

Iodine is obtained from 

  • Laminaria

  • Chlorella

  • Polysiphonia

  • Porphyra

Vessels and companion cells are found in

  • angiosperm

  • pteridophytes

  • bryophytes

  • thallophytes


Phytochrome is present in

  • vascular cryptogam

  • prokaryotes

  • flowering plants

  • algae

Which of the following is/ are grouped under phanerogams?

  • Angiosperms

  • Gymnosperms

  • Pteridophytes

  • Both (a) and (b)

Agar- agar is obtained from

  • Chlorella

  • Spirogyra

  • Ulothrix

  • Gelidium

Calyptra is derived from

  • archaegonia

  • capsule

  • antheridia

  • columella


Male gamete in angiosperm is produced by

  • generative cell

  • microspore cell

  • vegetative cell

  • tube cell
