Multiple Choice Questions


Algal zone is present in

  • normal root of Cycas

  • coralloid root of Cycas

  • normal root of Pinus

  • stem of Cycas


coralloid root of Cycas

The cortex in coralloid roots of Cycas is divided into inner and outer regions by algal zone. The cells of this zone contain endophytic algal forms particularly Anabaena cycadeae and Nostoc punctiforme.


Turpentine oil is obtained from

  • Pinus

  • Cycas

  • Cedrus

  • Delbergia

The amphibians of plant kingdom are

  • multicellular non motile algae

  • bryophytes with simple internal organisation

  • unicellular motile algae

  • pteridophytes with complex internal organisation.

Heterospory is the production of

  • sexual and asexual spores

  • large and small spores

  • haploid and diploid spores

  • diploid and tetraploid spores

'Reindeer moss' is common name for

  • Funaria hygrometrica

  • Marchantia sp

  • Cladonia rangifera

  • Polytrichum sp


The Orobanche plant is

  • partial stem parasite

  • total root parasite

  • symbiont

  • total stem parasite

In Chlorophyceae the mode of sexual reproduction is

  • anisogamy

  • isogamy

  • oogamy

  • all of these

Cellulose fibre is obtained from Gossypium.

  • stem surface

  • seed hair

  • leaf surface

  • root hair

In gametophyte of fern

  • prothallus is independent from sporophyte

  • prothallus is attached with sporophyte

  • it is main plant body

  • a structure attached with rhizome


The inflorescence in Ocimum is

  • cyathium

  • verticillaster

  • hypanthodium

  • raceme
