Multiple Choice Questions


In Pinus

  • seed is winged but pollen grains are not

  • both seed and pollen grains are wingless

  • pollen grains are winged but seed is not

  • both seeds and pollen grains are winged


both seeds and pollen grains are winged

Pinus is a large and economically important genus of coniferous evergreen trees chiefly of temperate regions of the northern hemisphere that includes a number which yield products (as pine tar) with medicinal applications. Winged seed and pollen grain is the
characteristic feature of Pinus.


This place in India is called 'The Golden Mine of Liverworts'

  • Eastern Himalayas

  • Western Himalayas

  • Western Ghats

  • Eastern Ghats

The naked seeded plants are the

  • gymnosperms

  • monocots

  • dicots

  • All of these

Water is not necessary for the fertilisation of

  • algae

  • bryophyta

  • Cycas

  • None of these

Which is present in vascular bundle ofPinus?

  • Tracheids

  • Vessels

  • Companion cells

  • All of the above


Respiratory roots (pneumatophores) are present in

  • mesophytes

  • halophytes

  • xerophytes

  • None of these

One of the set is wrongly matched

  • Chrysanthemum - Sucker

  • Garlic  - Cloves

  • Cyanodon - Stolon

  • None of the above

Which one of the following pairs of plants are not seed producers?

  • Fern and Funaria

  • Funaria and Ficus

  • Ficus and Pinus

  • All of the above

Desert can be converted into green land by planting

  • oxylophytes

  • psammophytes

  • halophytes

  • trees


In algae, the bacteriological filter is

  • Oscillatoria

  • Batrachospermum

  • Nostoc

  • Cosmarium
