Multiple Choice Questions


Male cone of Pinus possesses :

  • mega sporophylls

  • microsporophylls

  • anthers

  • ligules



The male cone of Pinus has a central axis and a number of spirally arranged mirosporophylls. Each microsporophylls bears two oblong microsporangia abaxially on the proximal part.


A plant having seeds but lacking flowers and fruits belong to

  • pteridophytes

  • mosses

  • ferns

  • gymnosperms

Pigments common to all algae are

  • chlorophyll- a and phycobilins

  • chlorophyll- a and carotenoids

  • chlorophyll- a and chlorophyll- b

  • chlorophyll- b and carotenoids

Pratonema is found in the life cycle of:

  • Spirogyra

  • Rhizopus

  • Escherichia

  • Funaria

Agar-agar commonly used in bacterial cultures and medication is obtained from :

  • Sargassum 

  • Gelidium

  • Ulothrix

  • Ulva


Prothallus of fem has :

  • antheridia and archegonia on lower surface

  • antheridia and archegonia on upper surface

  • antheridia on upper surface and archegonia on lower

  • antheridia on lower surface and archegonia on upper surface

Mosses are attached to substratum by :

  • roots

  • capsule

  • rhizoids

  • cistron

A protein rich green alga is :

  • Chlorella

  • Spirulina

  • Spirogyra

  • Ulothrix

Rarely among angiosperms the pollen grains influenced the endosperm. This is called as :

  • Metaxenia

  • Nemec phenomenon

  • Xenia

  • Mesogamy


A bryophyte which harbours a nitrogen fixing blue-green alga in its thallus is :

  • Pogonatum

  • Riccia

  • Marchantia

  • Anthoceros
