Multiple Choice Questions


Select the correct statement

  • Franklin Stahl coined the term ‘‘linkage’’

  • Punnett square was developed by a British scientist

  • Transduction was discovered by S. Altman

  • Spliceosomes take part in translation


Punnett square was developed by a British scientist

Punnett square was developed by a British geneticist, Reginald C. Punnett.
– Franklin Stahl proved semi-conservative mode of replication.
– Transduction was discovered by Zinder and Lederberg.
– Spliceosome formation is part of posttranscriptional change in Eukaryotes.


The thermostable enzymes, Taq and Pfu, isolated from thermophilic bacteria are

  • RNA polymerases

  • DNA ligases

  • DNA polymerases

  • Restriction endonucleases

Select the correct match

  • Alec Jeffreys - Streptococcus pneumoniae

  • Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase - TMV

  • Francois Jacob and Jacques Monod - Lac operon

  • Matthew Meselson and F. Stah - Pisum sativum

Polyploidy can be induced by the application of

  • Auxin

  • Kinetin

  • Colchicine

  • Ethylene

Which has an additional X-chromosome?

  • Turner’s syndrome

  • Klinefelter’s syndrome

  • Super female

  • Down’s syndrome


The largest gene in man is

  • Insulin gene

  • Tumour suppressor gene

  • Beta globin gene of haemoglobin

  • Dystrophin

In the lac operon model, lactose molecules function is

  • inducers,which bind with the operator gene

  • Repressors, which bind the the operator gene

  • inducers, which bind the repressor protein

  • corepressore, which bind with the repressor protein

One of the breeding techniques useful to eliminate harmful recessive genes by selection is

  • Artificial insemination

  • Outbreeding

  • Inbreeding

  • MOET

Minisatellites or VNTR's are used in

  • DNA fingerprinting

  • Polymerase chain reaction, (PCR)

  • gene therapy

  • Gene mapping


Herbicide-resistant gene in a plant is

  • Mt

  • Gt

  • Ct

  • Bt
