Multiple Choice Questions


'Heterosis' is related to :

  • cloning

  • selection

  • hybridization

  • introduction



Heterosis was used by shull in 1814. It is the superiority of on F1 hybrid over both its parents in terms of yield or some other characters.


The number of chromosomes in Klinefelter's syndrome are :

  • 47

  • 46

  • 45

  • 44

Inheritance of ABO blood groups illustrates

  • polyploidy

  • multiple allelism

  • euploidy

  • dominance

Turner's syndrome chromosome pattern is:

  • XO

  • XXX

  • XYY

  • XXY

Crossing over in diploid organisms is responsible for

  • dominance of genes

  • linkage between genes

  • recombination of linked genes

  • segregation of alleles


Sex determination in humans takes place by

  • sex chromosomes of father

  • measurement of sperm

  • measurement of ovum

  • sex chromosomes of mother

First geneticist, father of genetics was

  • de Vries

  • Mendel

  • Darwin

  • Morgan

The genotype of a man having female sexual characters will be :

  • XXY

  • XYY

  • XO

  • XXX

When a tall plant with rounded seeds (TTRR) is crossed with a dwarf plant with wrinkled seeds (ttrr), the F1 generation consists of tall plants with rounded seeds. How many types of gametes an F1 plant would produce ?

  • One

  • Three

  • Four

  • Eight


The main cause of Edward syndrome, Patau syndrome and Down syndrome is :

  • mutation of gene

  • change in both autosomes and heterosomes

  • change in autosomes

  • change in heterosomes
