Multiple Choice Questions


Stock and scion are used in

  • cutting

  • grafting

  • layering

  • micropropagation



Stock and scion are used in grafting. Grafting is a horticulture technique whereby tissues from one plant are inserted into those of another, so that the two sets of vascular tissues may join together. It is used in asexual propogation of commercially grown plants. 

In this technique, one plant is selected for its roots and this is called the stock or root stock. The other plant is selected for its stems, leaves, flowers or fruits and is called the scion or cion. The scion contains the desired genes to be duplicated in future production by the stock/scion plant.


Pollorum disease of poultry is caused by

  • Mycobacterium

  • Salmonella

  • Clostridium

  • Haemophilus

Which of the following plant is efficient converter of solar energy whose net productivity is 2-4 kg/m2/yr or even higher?

  • Wheat

  • Rice

  • Sugarcane

  • Bajra

The process in which mature differentiated cells reverse to meristematic activity to form callus is called

  • redifferentiation

  • dedifferentiation

  • cyto-differentiation

  • differentiation

Which of the following is an example of a defence used by plants against herbivorous?

I. Production of caffeine, tannin, quinine.

II. More production of non-woody tissues.

III. Production of hairs, thorns, spines.

IV. Production of hormones like chemicals that interfere with insect metamorphosis.

Select the correct codes

  • I and II

  • II, III and IV

  • I, II and III

  • I, III and IV


Type of blastula in chick is

  • discoblastula

  • coeloblastula

  • amphiblastula

  • holoblastula

In plant breeding programmes, the entire collection (of plants/seeds) having all the diverse alleles for all genes in a given crop is called

  • selection of superior recombinants

  • cross- hybridisation among the selected parents

  • evaluation and selection of parents

  • germplasm collection

On the basis of utility, Nagpuri buffaloes are categorized as

  • milkers

  • dual purpose

  • drought cattle

  • grazers

The life span of honey bee drone is

  • 3-4 months

  • 1-2 months

  • 6-7 months

  • 10-12 months


Which of the following is the best suited method for the production of virus free plants?

  • embryo culture

  • meristem culture

  • ovule culture

  • anther culture
