Multiple Choice Questions


Late blight of potato is caused by

  • Cystopus

  • Phytophthora

  • Alternaria

  • Ustilago



Phytophthora infestans causes late blight disease of potato. The disease is widely spread in the hilly areas of India during rainy season. Low temperature and humid atmosphere favour the spread of the disease.


Which of the following plants are used as green manure in crop fields and in sandy soils?

  • Saccharum munja and Lantana camara

  • Dichanthium annulatum and Azolla nilotica

  • Crotalaria juncea and Alhagi camelorum

  • Calotropis procera and Phyllanthus niruri

Triticum vulgare has been found to be presently evolved as

  • diploid

  • tetraploid

  • pentaploid

  • hexaploid

Foolish seedling disease of rice in Japan was caused by
  • the deficiency of nitrogen

  • a bacterium

  • a fungus

  • a virus

Jumping genes in maize were discovered by

  • Hugo de Vries

  • Barbara McClintock

  • TH Morgan

  • Mendel


In honey bee, royal jelly is secreted from :

  • corp gland

  • wax gland

  • pharyngeal gland

  • salivary gland

The semi dwarf wheat which was instrumental in increasing
wheat production was developed by

  • Alexander von Humboldt

  • Paul Ehrlich

  • Dr. Kurien

  • Edward Jenner

  • Edward Jenner

Select the wrongly matched pair

  • Fibre - Sunhemp

  • Spice - Belladonna

  • Edible oil - Groundnut

  • Fodder - Trifolium

  • Fodder - Trifolium
