Multiple Choice Questions


Which is common between earthworm, leech and centipede?

  • They have Malphigian tubules

  • They are hermaphrodite

  • They have ventral nerve cord

  • None of the above


They have ventral nerve cord

Ventral nerve cord possess segmental ganglia. It is common between earthworm, leech and centripede.


Sciatic vein of frog opens in

  • heart

  • kidney

  • pelvic region

  • liver

The female genital pore of Pheretima posthuma located upon the segment

  • 14th

  • 16th

  • 18th

  • 15th

In Pheretima, septa are absent between which segments?

  • 3/4 and 9/10

  • 4/5 and 8/9

  • 5/6 and 7/8

  • 7/8 and 6/7

The basic unit of classification is

  • Species

  • Genus

  • Family

  • Phylum


The stratified epithelium is found in

  • Seminiferous tubule

  • Fallopian tube

  • Nasal cavity

  • Kidney tubules

In cockroach, larval and nymphal characters are maintained by

  • ecdysone

  • salivary glands

  • parotid gland

  • juvenile hormone

Organisms who are able to freely interbreed producing fertile off-springs and having a similar blueprint for making these organisms are referred to as

  • Species

  • Tribe

  • Genus

  • Sub-genus

In most fungi, cell wall is chiefly made of

  • Cellulose

  • Chitin

  • Protein

  • Lipid


The blood of cockroach contains no respiratory pigment. It means that

  • respiration is anaerobic

  • cockroach does not respire

  • oxygen goes directly into tissues by diffusion

  • oxygen goes into tissue by intracellular capillary system
