Multiple Choice Questions


Which one is uricotelic ?

  • Frog and toads

  • Lizards and birds/cockroach

  • Cattle, monkey and man

  • Molluscs and teleost fishes


Lizards and birds/cockroach

Uricotelic organisms are the organism that excrete nitrogen mostly in the form of uric acid. Animals that live in dry (arid) conditions are uricotelic. Uric acid is the main excretory nitrogenous product, discharge in solid form in uricotelic animals. Eg, Cartilaginous fishe, bony fish, amphibians and mammals.


Blastula of frog has :

  • blastopore

  • blastocoel

  • arahenteron

  • gastropore

Which of the following is a transparent tissue ?

  • Tendon

  • Fibrous cartilage

  • Hyaline cartilage

  • All of the above

Haemocoel is found in :

  • Hydra and Aurelia

  • Taenia and Ascaris

  • cockroach and Pila

  • Balanoglossus and Herdmania

Earthworms are economically important for man as these are used as

  • bait for catching fish

  • food of poultry

  • medicine for gout

  • All of the above


Different colours of frog skin are controlled by:

  • hormones

  • melanocytes

  • nervous system

  • both 'a' and 'c'

The female genital pore of Pheretima posthuma located upon the segment ?

  • 14th

  • 16th

  • 18th

  • 15th

Vth cranial nerve of frog is called

  • optic nerve

  • vagus

  • trigeminal

  • opthalmic

Carotene pigment is found in the cells of

  • dermis

  • epidermis

  • adipose cell

  • both 'b' and 'c


The centrum of eighth vertebra of frog is

  • procoelous

  • heterocoelous

  • amphicoelous

  • opisthocoelous
