Multiple Choice Questions


Striped muscles are characterised by

  • syncytial

  • spindle shape

  • uninucleate

  • none of the above



Striated muscle or skeletal muscle or voluntary muscle or striped muscle fibre is an elongated cell surrounded externally by sarcolemma just beneath the sarcolemma in each fibre many nuclei occur at irregualr intervals. Thus these fibres are multinucleated or syncytial in nature.


Chloragogen cells of earthworms are analogous to vertebrate :

  • lungs

  • liver

  • gut

  • kidneys

The peculiar pungent smell of cockroach is produced by the secretions of :

  • pheromones

  • flame cells

  • abdominal glands

  • cervical glands

Debove's membrane is a layer of :

  • muscular tissue

  • epithelial tissue

  • connective tissue

  • all of the above

Which of the following structure in Pheretima posthuma plays the role of the liver of vertebrates ?

  • Calciferous glands

  • Gland cells

  • Chloragogen cells

  • Cliteller cells


The function of pineal body is to :

  • lighten the skin colours

  • control sexual behaviour

  • regulates the period of puberty

  • all of the above

The parasphenoid bone in frog forms :

  • base of cranium

  • floor of cranium

  • dorsal side of cranium

  • dorsolateral side of cranium

Number of cranial nerves in frog :

  • 10 pairs

  • 9 pairs

  • 12 pairs

  • none of the above

Excretion in cockroach takes place by

  • nephridium

  • parotid gland

  • coxal glands

  • malpighian tubules


In a vertebrate which germ layer forms the skeleton muscles ?

  • Ectoderm

  • Endoderm

  • Mesoderm

  • Both 'a' and 'c'
