Multiple Choice Questions


Cheilosis and digestive disorder are due to the deficiency of

  • thiamine

  • ascorbic acid

  • riboflavin

  • pyridoxine



Cheilosis (cracking or fissuring at corner of mouth and lips), digestive disorders and burning sensation of skin are deficiency diseases, caused by the deficiency of vitamin B2 (riboflavin).


The glycosidic linkage present in sucrose is between

  • C-1 of -β- glucose and C-4 of α- glucose

  • C-1 of α- glucose and C-4 of β-fructose

  • C-1 of α- glucose and C-4 of α- glucose

  • C-1 of α- glucose and C-2 of β-fructose

Which of the following is correct about H-bonding in DNA?

  • A - T; G - C

  • A - G; T - C

  • G - T; A - C

  • A - A; T - T

Which one of the following is an essential amino acid?

  • Tyrosine

  • Cysteine

  • Isoleucine

  • Serine

The statement that is not correct is

  • Aldose or ketose sugars in alkailne medium do not isomerise

  • Carbohydrates are optically active

  • Pentaacetate of glucose does not react with hydroxylamine

  • Lactose has glycosidc linkage between C4 of glucose and C1 of galactose unit.


Glycogen is

  • a polymer of β-D-glucose units

  • a structural polysaccharide

  • structurally very much similar to amylopectin

  • structurally similar to amylopectin but extensively branched

Adenosine is an example of

  • nucleotide

  • purine base

  • pyrimidine base

  • nucleoside

Hormones are secreted by ductless glands of human body. Iodine containing hormone is

  • Adrenoline

  • Thyroxine

  • Testosterone

  • Insulin

Dialysis can be used to separate

  • protein and starch

  • glucose and protein

  • glucose and NaCl

  • glucose and fructose


Sucrose is not a reducing sugar since

  • it contains no free aldehyde or keto group adjacent to, -CHOH group

  • it is built up of a fructose unit

  • it is optically active

  • it is chemically stable
