
Multiple Choice Questions

In the following question, the sentence given with blank is to be filled with an appropriate word. Four alternatives are suggested for each question. For each question, choose the correct alternative and mark corresponding to it.

This school isn't .............from the last one.

  • more different

  • any different

  • difference

  • difference


In the following question, the sentence given with blank is to be filled with an appropriate word. Four alternatives are suggested for each question. For each question, choose the correct alternative and mark corresponding to it.

I know .............certain that he has gone to England.

  • with

  • of

  • by

  • by


In the following question, the sentence given with blank is to be filled with an appropriate word. Four alternatives are suggested for each question. For each question, choose the correct alternative and mark corresponding to it.

Do not ........... your own personal views upon the reader.

  • expose

  • interpose

  • express

  • express


In the following question, the sentence given with blank is to be filled with an appropriate word. Four alternatives are suggested for each question. For each question, choose the correct alternative and mark corresponding to it.

The man............... for the purpose never did what was expected of him.

  • supplied

  • favoured

  • employed

  • employed



In the following question, the sentence given with blank is to be filled with an appropriate word. Four alternatives are suggested for each question. For each question, choose the correct alternative and mark corresponding to it.

The peon respectfully asked if he ...............go there.

  • may

  • might

  • can

  • can


In the following question, the sentence given with blank is to be filled with an appropriate word. Four alternatives are suggested for each question. For each question, choose the correct alternative and mark corresponding to it.

The villager cried ............. his voice for help.

  • on the top of

  • in the top of 

  • from the top of

  • from the top of


In the following question, the sentence given with blank is to be filled with an appropriate word. Four alternatives are suggested for each question. For each question, choose the correct alternative and mark corresponding to it.

After a noisy and tumultuous supper, we .............. for the day.

  • retirement

  • retiring

  • retired

  • retired


In the following question, the sentence given with blank is to be filled with an appropriate word. Four alternatives are suggested for each question. For each question, choose the correct alternative and mark corresponding to it.

There was a serious ..................between the two brothers.

  • altercation

  • alteration

  • aberration

  • aberration



In the following question, the sentence given with blank is to be filled with an appropriate word. Four alternatives are suggested for each question. For each question, choose the correct alternative and mark corresponding to it.

Light is ............than sound.

  • faster

  • more faster

  • sounder

  • sounder


In the following question, the sentence given with blank is to be filled with an appropriate word. Four alternatives are suggested for each question. For each question, choose the correct alternative and mark corresponding to it.

I have decided course of action.

  • upon

  • with

  • for

  • for

