Multiple Choice Questions


___________ makes laws on matters included in Union List and Concurrent List.

  • Lok Sabha

  • Ministry of Defence

  • Prime Minister's office

  • Securities and Exchange Board of India


Lok Sabha


Naval, military and air force works is listed in the .............. list given in the Seventh Schedule in the Constitution of India.

  • Union

  • State

  • Global

  • Concurrent

There are total............. parliamentary seats (Lok Sabha constituency) in Uttarakhand.

  • 14

  • 5

  • 80

  • 2

There are total .............. parliamentary seats (Lok Sabha Constituency) in West Bengal.

  • 42

  • 2

  • 14

  • 40

___________ is issued when the court finds that a particular officeholder is not doing legal duty and thereby is infringing on the right of an individual.

  • Habeas Corpus

  • Mandamus

  • Prohibition

  • Quo Warranto

Prevention of cruelty to animals is listed in the ...........list given in the Seventh Schedule in the Constitution of India.
  • Union

  • State

  • Global

  • Concurrent

Central Bureau of Intelligence and Investigation is listed in the __________ list given in the Seventh Schedule in the Constitution of India.
  • Union

  • State

  • Global

  • Concurrent

Population control and family planning is listed in the ............... list given in the Seventh Schedule in the Constitution of India.
  • Union

  • State

  • Global

  • Concurrent

There are total ............parliamentary seats (Rajya Sabha Constituency) in Odisha.

  • 11

  • 19

  • 10

  • 1


'Betting and gambling' is listed in the ............ list given in the Seventh Schedule in the Constitution of India.

  • Union

  • State

  • Global

  • Concurrent
