
Multiple Choice Questions

The motion of a freely falling body is an example of .......... motion.

  • uniformly accelerated

  • non-uniformly accelerated

  • constant velocity

  • constant speed

The laws which govern the motion of planets are called.............

  • Newton's Laws

  • Kepler's Laws

  • Avogadro's Laws

  • De Morgan's Laws

The substances which have very low ignition temperature and can easily catch fire with a flame are called ........... substances.

  • hazardous

  • perilous

  • incombustible

  • inflammable

A ball rolling along the ground gradually slows down and finally comes to rest is due to.............

  • friction

  • magnetic force

  • electrostatic force

  • muscular force


The angle between the ........... and the incident ray is called the angle of incidence.

  • surface

  • normal

  • tangent

  • reflected ray

For an object, the state of rest is considered to be the state of ............. speed.

  • increasing

  • decreasing

  • inverse

  • zero
