Multiple Choice Questions


Match the following.

Term Meaning
1. Globalisation a. Process of reducing or removing restrictions on international trade
2. Privatisation b. Process of interation and integration among the people, companies and government of different nations.
3. Liberalisation c. Called as denationalization or disinvestment.

  • 1 - c,  2 - a,  3 - b

  • 1 - b,  2 - c,  3 - a

  • 1 - b,  2 - a,  3 - c

  • 1 - c,  2 - b,  3 - a


1 - b,  2 - c,  3 - a


In which market form, a market or industry is dominated by a few firms?

  • Perfect Competition

  • Monopoly

  • Oligopoly

  • Monopolistic

Which among the following sponsors Regional Rural Banks (RRB'S)?

  • Reserve Bank of India

  • Foreign Banks

  • National Commercial Banks

  • Co-operative Banks

Which of the following is not true about a Demand Draft?

  • It is a negotiable instrument.

  • It is a banker's cheque.

  • It may be dishonoured for lack of funds.

  • It is issued by the bank.

In which market form, a market or an industry is dominated by a single seller?

  • Oligopoly

  • Monopoly

  • Duopoly

  • Monopolistic Competition


When there is only one buyer and one seller of product, it is called .............situation.

  • public monopoly

  • bilateral monopoly

  • franchised monopoly

  • monopsony

The 7th pay commission has retained the rate of annual increment of............

  • 2%

  • 2.57%

  • 3%

  • 3.5%

Which among the following is not an account under Balance of Payment?

  • Current Account

  • Capital Account

  • Official Reserves Account

  • Unilateral Payments Account

Who gave the 'General Equilibrium Theory'?

  • J.M. Keynes

  • Leon Walras

  • David Ricardo

  • Adam Smith


Which one of the following is also regarded as Disguised unemployment?

  • Underemployment

  • Frictional Unemployment

  • Seasonal Unemployment

  • Cyclical Unemployment
