
Multiple Choice Questions

Developmental perspective of teaching demands teachers to

  • be strict disciplinarians as children experiment quite frequently

  • adopt instructional strategies based on the knowledge of developmental factors

  • treat children in different developmental stages in an equitable manner

  • provide learning that results in the development of only the cognitive domain

What is wrong about heredity in following statements?

  • Heredity determines the sex of the child

  • It contributes significantly towards physical constitution

  • It contributes towards the birth of twins

  • It includes interests, attitudes, likes, dislikes and emotional state of mind

The term emotional revolution is closely associated with

  • infancy

  • childhood

  • adolescence

  • adulthood

A teacher found that a student is facing difficulty in drawing a square. He/she assumes that this student would also find it difficult to draw a diamond. Does he/She apply which of the following principles to arrive at his/her assumption?

  • Development is gradual

  • Development is different for different people

  • Development tends to follow an orderly sequence

  • Development is saltatory


Which one of the following statements is true regarding the role of heredity and environment in human development?

  • The relative effects of heredity and environment vary in different areas of development

  • The policy of compensatory discrimination of the Government of India is based on the role of 'nature' in human development

  • The role of environment is almost fixed, whereas the impact of heredity can be altered

  • The theories based on the 'behaviourism' are largely based on the role of 'nature' in human development

Which of the following statements is not true?

  • Heredity is the transmission of traits from parents to off springs

  • Development is the product of the interaction of the organism and its environment'

  • Heredity is the sublimation of inborn individual traits

  • Heredity is the transmission from parents to offsprings of physical and mental characteristics

Laws of Association are

  • Law of Similarity

  • Law of Contrast

  • Law of Contiguity

  • All of these

What is the principal psychological characteristic of childhood?

  • Dependence on others

  • Feeling of gregariousness

  • Religious feeling

  • Lack of tendency of imitation


At the upper primary stage there is a need of

  • educational and career guidance

  • educational, career and personal guidance

  • only career guidance

  • only educational guidance

Which of the following statements is most appropriate in relation to adolescents?

  • Thinking starts reflecting in concrete actions

  • Abrupt increase in the intelligence quotient

  • Increase in the incidence of emotional upheavals

  • Carefree nature towards studies
