Multiple Choice Questions


Who defined settlement geography first time incorporating the concept of settlement pattern , house types and field systems ?

  • Meitzen

  • Stone

  • Huntington

  • Trewartha




ASSERTON (A) : The metropolitan cities are numerically dominated by male adult population.

REASON (R) : Migration is age and sex selective.

  • Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

  • Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

  • (A) is correct , but (R) is false.

  • (A) is false , but (R) is correct.

Who among the following is an advocate of idealism in geography ?

  • Guelke

  • Gilbert

  • Samuels

  • Pocock

(a) W.Christaller (i) Rural settlement
(b) V.L.S Prakasa Rao (ii) Metropolitan Hyderabad and its region
(c) Manzoor Alam & W.Khan (iii) Regional Planning
(d) M.Chrisholm (iv) Central places in Southern Germany
  • a-i , b-iii , c-i , d-ii

  • a-ii , b-i , c-iii , d-iv

  • a-iv , b-iii , c-ii , d-i

  • a-i , b-ii , c-iii , d-iv

The largest and the most dominating city in a state with respect to commercial , industrial , eductaional and political activities refers to

  • City region

  • Urbanfield

  • Primate city

  • Neckropolis


Who argued that multiple centres of nuclei were responsible for urban growth ?

  • Harris and Ullman

  • Hoyt

  • Park and Burgess

  • Nelson

Which of the following categories does Chile belong to according to the shape ?

  • Fragmented

  • Fragmented cum elongated

  • Elongated

  • Compact cum elongated

Which one of the following describes a projected urbanised world or universal city by the end of 21st century ?

  • Conurbation

  • City-Region

  • Megalopolis

  • Ecumenopolis

Which one of the following pairs does not match correctly ?

  • P.Haggett : Geography : A modern synthesis 

  • P.E.James : All possible words

  • G.P.Marsh : Explanations in Geography

  • Abler , Adams and Gould : Spatial organisation


The Administrative Principle' in Christaller's Central Place Theory refers to

  • K=3

  • K-4

  • K=7

  • K=9
