
Short Answer Type

Choose the appropriate options from the ones given below to complete the following passage:

As a young boy I (a) ……….. to play on the ground near my home. At the (b) ……… end of the ground was a library. I had often seen people walk in and out of it (c) ………… books in their hands. One evening I walked in and politely asked the librarian (d) ……..…a book.

(a) (i) was (ii) used (iii) are (iv) had

(b) (i) far (ii) near (iii) off (iv) hind

(c) (i) carried (ii) carrying(iii) carries (iv) carry

(d) (i) for (ii) him (iii) about (iv) to


At the party, Lalitha was thrilled to notice that sitting in a corner all alone, was her friend whom she had not met for a long time.................... Complete the story in 120-150 words in any suitable way.


Rearrange the following words/phrases to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done for you.

Watching TV / on exercise / while you are / the following ways / The American Council / suggests / to exercise /

The American Council on exercise suggests the following ways to exercise while you are watching TV.

(a) the remote / the channel / to change / get up / from the couch / instead of using

(b) the room during / Walk up / the stairs / or around / and down / commercial breaks

(c) a treadmill / use / you watch / while / you can / TV/

(d) resistance band / while watching / use a / television /


Study the notes given below and complete the paragraph that follows by filling in the blanks suitable. 


− Octopush − underwater hockey game
− created by a group of English divers
− aim was to keep scuba diving club busy in winter
− each team − 8 players − battle for a lead puck with a pusher

Octopush (a) ……… hockey game. It (b) ……… a group of English divers.
The game (c) ………keeping the local scuba club busy during the winter months. The original rules required 8 players (d) ………… a lead puck with a small stick called pusher.



Inspite of laws banning child labour, children are still made to work. As President of the Residents' Association, make a speech in 120-150 words to be delivered at the Association's meeting about why it is still happening. Seek their co-operation to stop this practice.


You are Mahesh. You have been asked to meet the passport officer urgently to clarify certain details regarding renewal of your passport. Write a message in 50-60 words for your mother who was not at home informing her of the matter and also telling her that you would be late in reaching home.


The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Identify the error and write it along the correction in the answer sheet. The first one has been done for you as an example.




One morning I finished one business at the bank



and was returning in pick my motorbike which I had left



in the parking lot outside, Suddenly he realized that I had



lost the bike key. Upset I searched about it in the bank. A bank



employee tried to help me find it, and in vain



Given below are details of an eminent environmentalist. Use the information to form a biographical sketch of Aruna Saxena in 80-100 words.

Aruna Saxena − born in 1978 − education − M.A. in Environmental Science
− achievements − actively involved in Green Revolution Movement − won her worldwide recognition − published a collection of poems, ‘Singing Birds’ − awards − won the national award for creating environmental awareness − other interests − painting, writing poetry −
− positions held − President of Rotary Club of Marwar in 2007, President of the Poetry Club in 2009



Your school is celebrating grandparents’ day next week. Write a notice in 50-60 words to be put up on the school notice board informing students of the celebration and requesting them to be present with their grandparents. You are Samir/Suman, Head Boy/Head Girl ABC Sen. Sec. School, Delhi.


You happened to witness a film being shot in your locality. Write a letter in 120-150 words to a friend describing your experience. You are Rani/Raman, 15, Vinay Nagar, Ooty.