Short Answer Type


You are Ankita. You recently attended a seminar on 'Effective Listening Skills' and found it to be of great value. Write an email to your friend, Anita, in 120–150 words, giving details of the seminar and sharing what you learnt in the seminar. You can use the points given below:

* Venue and participants

* Listening is as important as speaking.

* Listening – a tool in good communication.

* Builds concentration

* Important for a student



Date: 7 March 2014

Subject: Seminar on 'Effective Learning Skills'

Dear Anita,

I hope this email finds you in good health. I recently attended a seminar on 'Effective Learning Skills' and wanted to share my experience with you.

Our school had organised this seminar this weekend. I had such an experience for the first time and it was wonderful. The students of the tenth standard were allowed to participate in the seminar. The seminar detailed about the significance of listening in a student's life.

It emphasised that listening is a very important aspect of building communication skills. We, the students pay a little attention to listening. Now, I’ve come to know that listening is as important as speaking. Listening is indispensable to communication. Not only it improves our concentration and memory, but also it enhances our ability of learning. It is inevitable to build communication skills.

I shall definitely tell you more about it when I meet you. I can assure you that you would have enjoyed the seminar as much I did. I have shared enough for now. Take care.




Complete the paragraph given below by filling in the blanks with the help of options that follow:

The rapid changes that India (a)....................over the last few decades have been welcomed by (b).................... . It is an enthusiasm which (c).................... .

(i) is enduring
(ii) was endured
(iii) has been enduring
(iv) will endure

(i) most of us
(ii) many of them
(iii) few of people
(iv) the lot of people

(i) should be kept alive
(ii) have been kept alive
(iii) will be keeping alive
(iv) will be enlivened


In the passage given below, there is an error in each line. Write the error and the correction in your answer sheet.

                                                                                      Error      Correction
You recently ask me to submit a short report e.g.                 ask        asked
in the progress made so far in the                        (a) ................... ...................
Literacy Project. Initially, adults were a reluctance (b) ................... ...................
to learn. Gradually, they overcome their               (c) ................... ...................


Rearrange the following words / phrases to form meaningful sentences:

(a) more than / are child workers / the Indian population / five percent of /

(b) engaged / in agriculture / tens of thousands / are chiefly /

(c) work / in urban areas / many / of industries / in a variety /


Write an article in about 120 words on 'River pollution.' You may use the clues given below:

* rivers, biggest source of water

* victims of pollution

* industrial waste

* city waste drained into them

* religious ceremonies–idol immersion

* garlands and flowers

* ashes after cremation poured into rivers



You are Geet / Geeta, Head Boy / Head Girl, Vanskriti School, Shimla. Your school is going to organize a trip to Leh-Ladakh during the summer vacation. Write a notice in 50‒60 words for the school notice board giving the details of the trip. Imagine all the details.


Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows:

Jatin: Could you lend me your book, David?
David: I would have but I need to finish my revision for class test tomorrow.
Jatin: Give me your notes then.

Jatin asked David if he could (a)......................... David replied that he would have but he needed to (b)........................ Jatin then asked (c).........................


Given below are notes on the life of Ustad Rahi Khan. Write a biographical sketch of his in about 100 words:

Born – March 21st, 1926 in Sitapur, U.P.
His ancestors – famous musicians
At the age six – moved to Varanasi
Received training – under Ustad Amir Ali Khan – a sitar player
Started performing at the age of 14
Performed in India and abroad
Awarded Padam Shri in 1967
Established a music school at Varanasi
Died – August 21st, 2004
One of the best examples of Hindu–Muslim Unity


You are Sumit, a student of class X. Your father has been transferred to another city resulting in a change of school for you. You have been attending your new school for a week now. Write a diary entry in 50‒60 words on your thoughts and feelings about your old school and new school.



Complete the paragraph given below by filling in each of the blanks with one word only with the help of options that follow:

While peeling the sweet lime and oranges (a)....................careful so that the segments are not mashed. The lettuce leaves are (b)....................into pieces. They are kept in ice-cold water (c)....................ten minutes.

(a) (i) was (ii) is (iii) be (iv) will

(b) (i) broken (ii) break (iii) breaks (iv) broke

(c) (i) with (ii) for (iii) on (iv) during