Short Answer Type


Influence of friends can have both positive and negative impact on the students. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily in 100-120 words discussing how we can make it more positive and productive. You are Arun/Aruna 24 Mall Road Chennai.

Aruna Faria
24 Mall Road

20th March 2016

The Editor
The Hindustan Times
Kasturba Gandhi Marg

New Delhi

Subject: How to make influence of friends more positive and productive

Dear Sir,

Through the colour of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to discuss how we can make the influence of friends more positive and productive in our life.
In our life Friendship is a valuable relationship. It enables us to establish a bond of companionship wherein we are able to share our joys and sorrows with our buddy. People said- Friendship is the only relationship that we make our own choice - other family relationships are given by God.

Friends always support in our work, no matter what kind of work it is. They are always there for us. But like there are always two sides of a coin, our friends too can have both positive and negative impact on us, especially during our student life. Peer pressure can make us develop certain vices which can become a habit.We need to make friendship more positive and productive and this can be done through making use of our time with friends in a productive manner, learning well from each other, encouraging and supporting each other positively and taking up some projects and social work.

A man is known by the company he keeps. As it is said that too many cooks spoil the broth, I feel that books and friends should be few and good.By taking up these measures we can certainly prove that the saying, friends in need is a friend indeed' is true.

Your sincerely
Aruna Faria



What sort of person was Michael's dad ?


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The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line.
Write the error and its correction as shown in the example.

Error Correction

One day a wonderful plate full in gold    e.g    in            of

fell from Heaven into a courtyard of   (a) _________ ___________

a temple at Benaras; so on the         (b) _________ ___________

plate these words were inscribe.       (c) __________ ___________

'A gift from Heaven to he who          (d) __________ ___________

loves better'. The priests at once     (e) __________ ___________

made a announcement that every     (f) __________ ____________

-day at noon, all which would like     (g) _________ __________

to claimed the plate should come.     (h) _________ __________


Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks with the help of the
given options :

Reading a novel or short story (a) _________ second language could dramatically (b)
_______________physiological responses to emotions such __________(c) smiling.

(a) (i) of        (ii) in            (iii) from      (iv) at

(b) (i) reduce (ii) reduces   (iii) reduced (iv) reducing

(c) (i) like      (ii) similar to (iii) as         (iv) alike



'Oh, oh, oh; oh, oh ...' Patol Babu began giving the exclamation a different inflection
each time he uttered it: After doing it a number of times he made an astonishing

(a) Why did Patol Babu repeat the word, `oh' over and over again '?

(b) What 'astonishing discovery' did he make?

(c) What does the word, 'uttered' mean?


They that have done this deed are honorable: What private grief’s they have, alas, I know not, that made them do it……………….

(a) Who is the speaker?

(b) What deed have 'they' done?

(c) What does the word, 'grief’s' mean?


Rearrange the following words and phrases into meaningful sentences. The first one has been done as an example.

detective I below / go / written / through the / story

Go through the detective story written below.

(a) can be / two / blamed I persons / the murder / for

(b) to the/ there are / culprit / may clues / real / pointing ,

(c) - the / find / murderer / who / real I out / is cy


What does the poet compare the snake's drinking habits to? Why?



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