Long Answer Type


What is subsistence agriculture? Describe any four salient features of intensive subsistence agriculture practiced in the world.

Subsistence agriculture is one in which the farming areas consume all, or nearly so, of the products locally grown.

Features of intensive subsistence agriculture:

(i) Intensive subsistence agriculture dominated by wet paddy cultivation: This type of agriculture is characterised by dominance of the rice crop.

(ii) Land holdings are very small due to the high density of population. Farmers work with the help of family labour leading to intensive use of land.

(iii) Intensive subsidence agriculture dominated by crops other than paddy: Due to the difference in relief, climate, soil and some of the other geographical factors.

(iv) it is not practical to grow paddy in many parts of monsoon Asia.



(26.1) Four features A, B, C, and D are marked in the given political outline map of the World. Identify these features with the help of the following information and write their correct names on the lines marked in the map:

A. The country having the lowest rank in the Human Development Index in 2003

B. The country having the highest growth rate of population in Asia

C. A major sea-port

D. A Megacity

(26.2) In the given political outline map of India, locate and label the following features with appropriate symbols.

(i) The state having the highest percent of rural population

(ii) The leading maize production state

(iii) The headquarters of ‘East Coast Railway Zone’


How has the ‘Integrated Tribal Development Project’ helped in the development of Bharmaur Region? Explain with five examples.


Explain any five important measures necessary for leading a healthy and reasonably long life.


Explain any five major problems of rural settlements in the developing countries of the world.



Explain with examples how ‘International Trade’ can be detrimental to nations.