True Or False


Electro-convulsive therapy (ECT) is a form of bio-medical therapy. (True/False)

A. True


Fill In the Blanks

Extreme pain without any identifiable biological symptom is an example of __________ disorder.

Extreme cohesiveness in groups results in __________.

__________ perspective suggests that physical environment exists mainly for use by human beings for their comfort.

True Or False

Frustration is one of the sources of psychological stress.(True/False)


Interpersonal communication involves communicating with two persons. (True/False)

Fill In the Blanks

A dream-like state separating self from reality is known as __________.

The process of assigning causes to the behaviour shown in specific social situations is known as __________.

_________ is a way of reducing anxiety by distorting reality.


Multiple Choice Questions

Emotional competence refers to

  • Self-monitoring of emotions

  • Self-competence to handle behaviour

  • Discrimination of behaviour

  • Persistence in behaviour