Multiple Choice Questions


Sternberg’s experiential intelligence includes

  • The ability to learn from past events

  • The ability to manipulate people’s opinions

  • Creative problem-solving.

  • Basic academic skills


Creative problem-solving.

Experiential intelligence also known as creative intelligence is the one in which an individual uses his/her past experiences in a novel situation in an original manner.


Fill In the Blanks

While using psychological tests, an attitude of ___________, _________ and___________ must be kept in mind.

A student blames her/his best friend for her/his poor performance rather than devoting time towards studies. She/he is said to be using __________coping.

___________ personality is characterised by proneness to depression.

True Or False

A student forms her/his impression about a new teacher in school. The teacher about whom the impression is formed is called a target and the student who forms the impression is called a perceiver.(True/False)


Fill In the Blanks

According to teachers, students who have a combination of high ability, high creativity, and high commitment are said to be __________.

True Or False

Fundamental attribution error is an overall tendency to explain the action of others on the basis of internal cause rather than due to external or situational factors.

Fill In the Blanks

Shobhita did not get admission in the college of her choice. She told her friends that she never really wanted to go there. She is using a defence mechanism called ___________ .

True Or False

There will be consistency between attitude and behaviour when the attitude is weak and occupies an important place in the attitude system. (True/False)


An attitude change is said to be congruent when the attitude change takes place in a direction opposite to the existing attitude. (True/False)