Long Answer Type


(a) Explain four measures to control population explosion.

(b) Write the causative agent and main symptoms of the following diseases
(i) Tuberculosis (ii) Tetanus
(iii) Hepatitis (iv) Malaria

(c) Write two differences between benign tumour and malignant tumour.


Family planning : The families should be educated about family planning. The health of the women should be taken care off. There should be some gap between consecutive offsprings.

Barrier contraception : Barrier contraceptive are just what their name suggests physical barrier that either keep sperms out entirely or prevent them from penetrating very far into the woman’s reproductive system. They are inexpensive, simple and have the major advantage of causing almost no serious side effect.

Intra-uterine devices : A variety of plastic devices, including coils loops can be placed in the womb to prevent the fertilized egg becoming implanted in the wall of the womb where it would grow. These intra-uterine devices are inserted in the womb by a medical professional. Due to their effectiveness, these devices are much popular.

Sterilization : It is a simple operation for both men and women. Male sterilization vasectomy takes 15-30 min in female sterilization tubal ligation fallopian tubes which carry eggs from the ovary to the womb are tied and cut.


i. Tuberculosis : Caused by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Symptoms : Feeling ill and weakness. loss of appetite, weight, Fever and night sweats. 

ii. Tetanus    : Caused by Clostridium tetani

Symptoms :  Generalized increased rigidity, stiffness and pain in the Jaw, painful arching of back & drowing down of neck, sudden muscle contraction by noise.

iii. Hepatitis    :

Hepatitis A — causative agent Hepatitis A virus

Hepatitis B — agent Hepatitis B virus

Hepatitis C — agent Hepatitis C virus

Hepatitis D — agent Hepatitis D virus

Hepatitis E — agent Hepatitis E virus

Symptoms : Flu like symptoms with increased temperature, loss of appetite, irritating rashes 

iv. Malaria    : Caused by Protozoa

Symptoms  : High fever, headache, muscle pains and shivering attacks



Benign tumour

Malignant tumour

It is a non cancerous tumour

It is cancerous tumour

It is smaller in size

It is larger in size

It can not spread from one place to other.

It spread in the body through blood lymph.


Write the effects of cytokinins on the plant.  

Draw a neat labelled diagram of a transverse section of human ovary.


What is feedback mechanism? Explain with reference to a hormone secreted from the posterior lobe of the pituitary.  

Describe the procedure of tissue culture in plants.


(a) Define:

(i) Vestigeal organs

(ii) Sympatric speciation

(iii) Mutagens

(iv) Biogeography

(b) Archaeopteryx is considered a connecting link between reptiles and birds. Justify the statement by giving two characteristics of each group.

(c) Give two differences between natural selection and artificial selection.


Explain natural selection on the basis of sickle-cell anaemia.


Explain briefly the movement of water from the soil across the root to the xylem vessel.

a) Write four characteristics that have developed during human evolution.

(b) What are stem cells? Write two applications of stem cell in medical treatment.

(c) Mention three basic ways to conserve plant resources.

