Short Answer Type


i. Mention  two differences between tribes and non - tribes. 

ii. How is the government trying to improve the life of the tribal communities ? 

i. The tribe has primitive way of living and resides near by forest. While the non tribes has modern way of living and resides in towns or cities. 

ii. The Goverment has undertaken several projects to improve the life of the tribal communities like :

-The tribal development Block Project at block level

-Small farmers Development Agency



What push factor have led to the spread of Mumbai ?


Long Answer Type

On the outline map of India provided :

a. Name and locate an oil refinery on the west coast.

b. Shade a region of dense population south of the tropic of Cancer.

c. Name and locate a nuclear power plant. 

d. Shade a major sugarcane growing in south India.

e.Name and trace the course of the river on which the Bhakra Nangal Project is located. 

f. Name and locate a steel plant in central India.

g. Mark the longest National Highway and its two terminal towns. 

h. Shade an area prone to extreme drought.

i. Shade and name the state having the largest villages (in term of size )

j. Shade an area of soil erosion owing to heavy rainfall. 


Short Answer Type

i. What factors led to the development of the NCR ?

ii. Name the states over which the NCR extends.