Long Answer Type


Discuss six advantage of a liberal democratic system.

The advantages are:

i. It protects the interest of citizens. The citizens in a democratic country are given the right to vote on political, social and economical issues, particularly the representatives they want to be in charge of making major decisions, such as the president. This can greatly protect the people from anything they would disagree to occur.

ii. It prevents monopoly of authority. Due to the fact that the government is bound by an election term where parties compete to regain authority, democracy prevents monopoly of the ruling authority. And, the elected ruling party would make sure their policies will work for the people, as they will not be able to remain in power after their term with bad records—they will not be re-elected.

iii. It promotes equality. It is based on the rule of equality, which means that all people are equal as far as the law is concerned. Every person has the right to experience and enjoy equal political, social and economic rights, and the state is not allowed to discriminate him on the standard of sex, class, religion and property.

iv. It makes for a responsible and stable administration. When there are elected and fixed representatives, a more responsible government is formed. Thus, it can be efficient, firm and stable. Its administration is ruled and conducted with a sense of dedication, and people under this system discuss matters and problems thoroughly to come up with sensible decisions.

v. It allows a little chance of revolution. Since this system is based upon public will, there will be little to no chance of public revolt. Elected representatives conduct state affairs with public support, and if they do not work efficiently or do not meet the public’s expectations, they will probably not do well during the next elections. Democracy or other popular governments often function with consensus, thus the question of revolution would not arise.

vi. It promotes change. This political system can promote changes in the government without having to resort to any form of violence. It tries to make citizens feel great and even provides them with a good sense of participation and involvement.



Short Answer Type

What is an open trail? 


State any two problems faced by women in India. 


Long Answer Type

Examine the problems being faced by federal governments today. 


Explain six provisions of the Indian political system that give it a Unitary character. 



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Long Answer Type

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Short Answer Type

What special role does the US House of Representatives have in the election of the American President? 



Suggest a positive role that can be played by a political parties in removing regional imbalances.