Multiple Choice Questions


Which of these are most widely used in genetic engineering?

  • Plastid

  • Plasmid

  • Mitochondrion

  • Ribosome



Plasmids are autonomous elements, whose genomes exist in the cell as the extra chromosomal unit. These are found in bacteria. They are used as cloning vectors due to their increased yield potential.

Plastids are semi autonomous cell organelles. They take part in storage and synthesis of organic compounds.

Mitochondria are called the power houses of the cell as they are the centres of Kreb's cycle of respiration liberating the maximum amount of energy.

Ribosomes are sub- microscopic cell organelles manufacturing protein.


If a stimulus, several times greater than the threshold stimulus is provided to a muscle fibre, it will

  • contract with a larger force

  • contract with a smaller force

  • contract with the same force

  • undergo tetany.

During the cell cycle, DNA content is doubled in the

  • G1 phase

  • S phase

  • G2 phase

  • end of M phase

Barr body is found in the cytoplasm during

  • interphase in cell of female mammal

  • interphase in cell of male mammal

  • prophase in cell of female mammal

  • prophase in cell of male mammal

The respiratory centre in the brain is stimulated by

  • CO2 concentration in venous blood

  • O2 concentration in artery blood

  • CO2 concentration in artery blood

  • O2 concentration in venous blood


Which of these are considered most essential in the origin of life?

  • Enzymes

  • Nucleic acids

  • Carbohydrates

  • Proteins

Wooden doors swell up and get stuck during the rainy season. This is due to the phenomenon of

  • imbibition

  • endosmosis

  • capillarity

  • deplasmolysis

Which floral family has (9) + 1 arrangement or anthers in the androecium ?

  • Malvaceae

  • Rutaceae

  • Fabaceae

  • Caesalpinaceae

Porous wood has abundance of 

  • vessels

  • fibres only

  • tracheids

  • sieve tubes


A human RBC is placed in 1.5% salt solution. It will

  • swell up

  • shrink

  • remain unaffected

  • burst