Multiple Choice Questions


Blue- green algae is found in

  • Cycas

  • Pinus

  • Scales of Marchantia

  • Riccia



The coralloid roots of Cycas has an algal zone which consists of Blue- Green algae Anabaena cycadeal and Nostoc punctiforme.


The lack of fruit formation in gymnosperm is due to

  • absence of fertilization

  • lack of seeds

  • naked ovule

  • sheding of immature seed

Turpentine oil is obtained from

  • Pinus

  • Cycas

  • Cedrus

  • Delbergia

In gametophyte of fern

  • prothallus is independent from sporophyte

  • prothallus is attached with sporophyte

  • it is main plant body

  • a structure attached with rhizome

In living beings ammonia is converted into urea through

  • ornithine cycle

  • citrulline cycle

  • fumarine cycle

  • arginine cycle


Biologically most resistant plant material is

  • sporopollenin

  • cutin

  • lignin

  • suberin

Total number of bones in the hind limb of a man is

  • 21

  • 23

  • 27

  • 30

A definite number of segments are found in

  • slug

  • earthworm

  • leech

  • tapeworm

A secretion that digests both carbohydrates and proteins is

  • ptyalin

  • pepsin

  • pancreatic juice

  • saliva


Which of the following is an edible fungus?

  • Agaricus

  • Albugo

  • Rhizopus

  • Puccinia