Multiple Choice Questions


Hybridoma technology is used to :

  • kill the cancer cells

  • formation of somaclonal antibodies

  • formation of somatic hybrids

  • formation of antibiotics


formation of somaclonal antibodies

Monoclonal antibodies are usually produced from hybridoma clones. Each hybridoma clone is derived by the fusion of a rnyeloma cell and an antibody producing lymphocyte.


Yeast is used in the production of :

  • acetic acid

  • citric acid

  • ethyl alcohol

  • curd

Kohler and Milstein developed biotechnology for :

  • monoclonal antibodies

  • steroid synthesis

  • immobilization of enzymes

  • myeloma

In India highest amount of coal is present in :

  • West Bengal

  • Maharastra

  • Jharkhand

  • Assam

The vaccine of Hepatitis-B is a :

  • first generation vaccine

  • interferon

  • second generation vaccine

  • third generation vaccine


In human the inheritance of sex linkage takes place through :

  • autosomes

  • Y - chromosome

  • X- chromosome

  • both 'b' and 'c'

Which of the following micro-organism is used for conversion of milk into curd?

  • Xanthomonas citri

  • Bacillus megatherium

  • Acetobacter aceti

  • None of the above

Streptomycin was isolated first time by :

  • A. Flemming

  • Robert Koch

  • N. Borlaug

  • S. Waksman

Which of the following is formed by the reactions of UV-rays of sunlight?

  • SO2

  • CO

  • Ozone

  • Florides


The term 'ecosystem' was coined by :

  • E.P. Odum

  • A.G. Tansley

  • Carl Mobious

  • W. Clementus