Multiple Choice Questions


Hypersecretion of growth hormone in the period of growth lead to :

  • acromegaly

  • cushing syndrome

  • midgets

  • cretinism



Acromegaly is caused by the hypersecretion of growth hormones or somatotrophic hormones during adult phase. This type of patient has a gorilla like appearance with huge hands and legs.

Cushing syndrome is caused by overproduction of ACTH or adrenocorticotrophic hormone.

Deficiency of growth hormone causes dwarfism. People suffering from this disease are very small (midget).

Cretinism refers to hyperthyroidism in an infant or child. It is an iodine deficiency syndrome.


Which of the following does not play a role in blood coagulation ?

  • Vitamin K

  • Vitamin D

  • Calcium ions

  • Fibrinogen

The presence of arginase confirms that :

  • urea cycle is operating

  • urea cycle may be operating

  • arginine is being converted into ornithine

  • arginine is being converted into citrulline

Which of the following does not match ?

  • Pancreas - Glisson's capsule

  • Antigen - Antibody

  • Thyroid - Goitre

  • Enzyme - Substrate

Intercellular communication in multicellular organism occurs through :

  • digestive system only

  • respiratory system only

  • nervous system only

  • both nervous and endocrine system


Glycolysis occurs in :

  • cytoplasm

  • nucleus

  • mitochondria

  • both 'a' and 'c

In a vertebrate which germ layer forms the skeleton muscles ?

  • Ectoderm

  • Endoderm

  • Mesoderm

  • Both 'a' and 'c'

The amount of bile released in proportion to the amount of:

  • fat in meal

  • protein in meal

  • carbohydrate in meal

  • all of the above

Tongue is under control of :

  • trigeminal nerve

  • facial nerve

  • automatic nervous system

  • glossopharyngeal nerve


The peculiar pungent smell of cockroach is produced by the secretions of :

  • pheromones

  • flame cells

  • abdominal glands

  • cervical glands