Multiple Choice Questions


Which organism was used by Beadle and Tatum to proposed one gene-one enzyme hypothesis ?

  • E. coli

  • Nostoc

  • Drosophila

  • Neurospora



G.W. Beadle and E.L. Tatum demonstrated by the biochemical mutation experiment in Neurospora that genes express themselves through synthesis of enzymes. They proposed a concept called "one gene-one enzyme hypothesis".


Which of the following pair is characterised by swollen lips, thick pigmented skin of hands and legs and irritability ?

  • Iodine - Goitre

  • Protein - Kwashiorkor

  • Thiamine - Beri-beri

  • Nicotinamide- Pellagra

The molecular structure of insulin was first described by :

  • Korenberg

  • Swaminathan

  • Richardson

  • Sanger

Phytochrome occurs in two forms. In which form it promotes the germination of seeds of some species ?

  • Pfr forms

  • Pr forms

  • Both forms

  • None of these

Insect resistance transgenic cotton has been produced by inserting a piece of DNA from:

  • an insect

  • a bacterium

  • a wild relative of cotton

  • a virus


Mutations which alter nucleotide sequence within a gene are :

  • frame shift mutations

  • base pair substitutions

  • both 'a' and 'b'

  • none of these

When a tall plant with rounded seeds (TTRR) is crossed with a dwarf plant with wrinkled seeds (ttrr), the F1 generation consists of tall plants with rounded seeds. How many types of gametes an F1 plant would produce ?

  • One

  • Three

  • Four

  • Eight

Tetradynamous stamens are found in :

  • Chrysanthemum

  • Zinnia

  • Poppy

  • Brassica

Diadelphous stamens are the characteristic features of :

  • Ranunculaceae

  • Fabaceae

  • Poaceae

  • Malvaceae


Human immuno deficiency virus causes

  • Acquired immuno deficiency syndrome

  • Anthrax

  • Tuberculosis

  • Polio