Multiple Choice Questions


Aleuron layer is found in :

  • embryo

  • nucellus

  • endosperm

  • endodermis



Aleuron layer is found in endosperm of maize. It comprises aleurone cells having thick walls. Each cell has several aleurone grains. An aleurone grain is composed of protein, phytin, phospholipids and carbohydrates.


Innitiation codon is :

  • AUG

  • UUU

  • UAG

  • AAG

Living in same habitat organisms of same species from:

  • biosphere

  • community

  • population

  • niche

Jumping genes in maize were discovered by:

  • Hugo de Vries

  • T.H. Morgan

  • Barbara McClintock

  • Mendel

Which of the following constitute about 10-20% of total circular RNA?

  • m-RNA

  • r -RNA

  • t-RNA

  • hn -RNA


Pollination occuring from one flower to another of same plant is :

  • autogamy

  • allogamy

  • geitenogamy

  • none of these

By anaerobic process, the cow dung is used to produce :

  • methane

  • butane

  • ethane

  • propane

Which statement is incorrect ?

  • Plant viruses contain RNA

  • Animal viruses contain DNA

  • T4 contains double strand DNA

  • TMV contains double stranded RNA

'Heterosis' is related to :

  • cloning

  • selection

  • hybridization

  • introduction


Non-coding sequences of DNA are:

  • exon

  • intron

  • rhizoids

  • cistron