Multiple Choice Questions


Neural canal is present in

  •  humerus

  •  tibia-fibula

  • vertebral column

  •  cranial bones


vertebral column

A typical vertebra has a centrum or body and neural arch. The hole formed by the neural arch
is the vertebral foramen. The vertebral foramina of all vertebrate form the vertebral canal or neural canal.


If dorsal nerve of spinal cord is broken down then its effect is

  • no impulse is transmitted

  • impulse is transmitted but slowly

  • impulse is transmitted fast

  • no effect on impulse

In DNA, which is absent

  • Adenine

  • Thymine

  • Guanine

  • Uracil

Chloragogen cells of earthworms are analogous to vertebrate

  • lungs

  • liver

  • gut

  • kidneys

Blood leaving liver and going towards heart is rich in

  • bile

  • urea

  • ammonia

  • oxygen


Class Crustacea differs from lnsecta in having

  • two pairs of antennae

  • jointed foot

  • chitinous cuticle

  • none of the above

Maximum absorption of water occurs in

  • colon 

  • rectum

  • large intestine

  • small intestine

Sigmoid notch is formed by

  • cavity formed by humerus

  • cavity formed by radius-ulna

  • cavity formed by tibia-fibula

  • cavity formed by femur

Digestion' word means

  • burning of food

  • oxidation of food

  • hydrolysis of food

  • oxidation of food


Which of the following character is present essentialy in chordates 

  • Ventral spinal chord

  • Dorsal heart

  •  Pharyngeal gill slits

  • Blood flow in forward direction in ventral blood vessels