Multiple Choice Questions


Set which includes only analogous organs is

  • wings of butterfly, housefly and bat

  • hindlegs of horse, grasshopper and bat

  • wings of butterfly and wingspread of bat and birds

  • mandibles of cockroach, mosquito and honey bee


wings of butterfly and wingspread of bat and birds

Analogous organs have similar functions but are different in their structure and origin.
(1) Wings of butterfly, birds and bat have similar functions.
(2) Stings of honey bee and scorpion are analogous structures.
(3) Fins of fishes and flippers of whales are analogous organs.


Biotic factors are :

  • chemical factors of soil which affect life

  • physical factors of soil which affect life

  • all living organisms which influence other organisms

  • factors of atmosphere which affect life

Which have not left any evidences of organic evolution

  • Archaeopteryx

  • Cow

  • Peripatus

  • Neopilina

Sequence of DNA (non-coding) is known as

  • exon

  • intron

  • cistron 

  • none of these

Acrosome is formed by

  • nucleus

  • Golgi apparatus

  • mitochondria

  • none of these


Lymphocytes are formed by

  • plasma cells 

  •  mast cells

  • liver cells

  • none of these

A haemophilic woman marries a normal man then

  • all the children will be normal

  • all the sons will be haemophilic

  • all the girls will be haemophilic

  • half girls will be haemophilic

Organs which differ in origin but perform similar functions

  • analogous

  • homologous

  • vestigial

  • all of these

During starvation what will be sequence of ending of food stuffs ?

  • Carbohydrates - Fat- Protein

  • Carbohydrate - Protein - Fat

  • Fat - Protein - Carbohydrate

  • Fat - Carbohydrate- Protein


Example of analogous organs is :

  •  wings of bird and insect

  • forelimbs of horse and man

  • teeth of elephant and man

  • none of the above