Multiple Choice Questions


Example of analogous organs is :

  •  wings of bird and insect

  • forelimbs of horse and man

  • teeth of elephant and man

  • none of the above


 wings of bird and insect

Wings of bird and insects are analogous organs


A haemophilic woman marries a normal man then

  • all the children will be normal

  • all the sons will be haemophilic

  • all the girls will be haemophilic

  • half girls will be haemophilic

Biotic factors are :

  • chemical factors of soil which affect life

  • physical factors of soil which affect life

  • all living organisms which influence other organisms

  • factors of atmosphere which affect life

Acrosome is formed by

  • nucleus

  • Golgi apparatus

  • mitochondria

  • none of these

Organs which differ in origin but perform similar functions

  • analogous

  • homologous

  • vestigial

  • all of these


During starvation what will be sequence of ending of food stuffs ?

  • Carbohydrates - Fat- Protein

  • Carbohydrate - Protein - Fat

  • Fat - Protein - Carbohydrate

  • Fat - Carbohydrate- Protein

Lymphocytes are formed by

  • plasma cells 

  •  mast cells

  • liver cells

  • none of these

Which have not left any evidences of organic evolution

  • Archaeopteryx

  • Cow

  • Peripatus

  • Neopilina

Sequence of DNA (non-coding) is known as

  • exon

  • intron

  • cistron 

  • none of these


Set which includes only analogous organs is

  • wings of butterfly, housefly and bat

  • hindlegs of horse, grasshopper and bat

  • wings of butterfly and wingspread of bat and birds

  • mandibles of cockroach, mosquito and honey bee