Multiple Choice Questions


Hirudin is

  • a protein produced by Hordeum vulgare, which is rich in lysine

  • a toxic molecule isolated from Gossypium hirsutum, which reduces human fertility

  • a protein produced from transgenic Brassica napus, which prevents blood clotting

  • an antibiotic produced by a genetically engineered bacterium, Escherichia coli.


a protein produced from transgenic Brassica napus, which prevents blood clotting

Transgenic plants are those plants in which a foreign gene has been introduced and stably integrated into the host DNA. A gene that is transferred using the tools of molecular biology is called transgene.

Brassica napas is one of the transgenic plant species. Recently transgenic plants have been explored for production of biologically active peptides and proteins having pharmaceutical applications including use as blood proteins, enzymes, growth, hormones etc. The protein hirudin present in leech, prevents blood clotting. The gene was chemically synthesized and introduced in Brassica napas and later on the seeds contained the protein.


In which one of the following combinations (a-d) of the number of chromosomes is the present day hexaploid wheat correctly represented

  • Combination ­ Mono­soic Haploid Nullisomic Trisomic
    (a)  21  28  42  43
  • (b)  28  40  42
  • (c)  21  42  43
  • (d)  41  21  40  43

Given below is a highly simplified representation of the human sex chromosomes from a karyotype

  • The gene a and b could be of

    colour blindness and body height

  • attached ear lobe and Rhesus blood group

  • haemophilia and red-green colour blindness

  • phenylketonuria and haemophilia

In which one of the following sets of three items each belong to the category mentioned against them

  • Lysine, glycine, thiamine - amino acids

  • Myosin, oxytocin and gastrin - hormones

  • Rennin, helicase and hyaluronidase - enzymes

  • Optic nerve, oculomotor, vagus - sensory nerves

When children play bare footed in pools of ditty water and flood water, they may suffer from disease like

  • leptospirosis and bilharzia

  • malaria, amoebic dysentery and leptospirosis

  • bilharzia, infective hepatitis and diarrhoea

  • guinea worm infection, elephantiasis and amoebic dysentery.


Pollution from animal excreta and organic waste from kitchen can be most profitably minimized by

  • storing them in underground storage tanks

  • using them for producing biogas

  • vermiculture

  • using them directly as biofertilizers

Genes present in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells are found in

  • mitochondria and inherited via egg cytoplasm

  • lysosomes and peroxisomes

  • Golgi bodies and smooth endoplasmic reticulum

  • plastids and inherited via male gamete

In the following table identify the correct matching of the crop, its disease and the corresponding pathogen.

  • Crop  Disease  Pathogen
    Citrus   Canker Pseudomonas rubrilineans
  • Potato  Late blight  Fusarium udum
  • Brinjal  Root-knot  Meloidogyne incognita
  • Pigeon  pea Seed gall  Phytophthora infestans

mong rust, smut and mushroom all the three

  • are pathogens 

  • are saprobes

  • bear ascocarps 

  • bear basidiocarps.


Which one of the following is an environment related disorder with the correct main cause

  • Black lung disease (pneumoconiosis) found mainly in workers in stone quarries and crushers.

  • Blue baby disease (methaemoglobinaemia) due to heavy use of nitrogenous fertilizers in the area.

  • Non-hodgkin's lymphoma found mainly in workers involved in manufacture of neem based pesticides.

  • Skin cancer mainly in people exposed to benzene and methane.