Multiple Choice Questions


Average pH of human urine is :

  • 6.0

  • 9.0

  • 3.0

  • 7.0



Average pH of human urine is 6.0. Normal urine is slightly acidic. The variations in urine pH are closely related to the diet. A high protein diet increases acidity, while a diet composed largely of vegetables increases aikalinity. The colour of the urine is due to pigment urochrome. 


'P' wave of ECG occurs before the:

  • onset of ventricular ejection

  • end of atrial contraction

  • begining of atrial contraction

  • none of the above

The contraction of gall bladder is due to :

  • gastrin

  • secretin

  • enterogasterone

  • cholecystokinin

Which of the following layer of heart wall consists of cardiac muscles ?

  • Endocardium

  • Myocardium

  • Epicardium

  • All of these

If heart beats 75 beats/min. then what is time for cardiac cycle ?

  • 0.5 sec

  • 0.8 sec

  • 1 sec

  • 1.5 sec


Which of the following is the character of the bile juice?

  • It has trypsin

  • It has no enzyme

  • It has enterogasterone

  • It has tripophnomide

Secretin hormone is secreted by :

  • liver

  • pancreas

  • intestine

  • Brunner's glands

Liver in our body stores:

  • Vitamin- A

  • Vitamin- D

  • Vitamin- B12

  • All of these

Blood pressure increases and heart rate decreases in response to :

  • exercise

  • haemorrhage

  • exposure to high altitude

  • increased intracranial pressure


Cells present in the inner lining of kidneys are :

  • podocytes

  • choanocytes

  • pinocytes

  • nephrocyte