Multiple Choice Questions


Which of the following is not immunised by triple antigen ?

  • Typhoid

  • Tetanus

  • Diptheria

  • Whooping cough



Immunity or susceptibility of diptheria is determined by performing the Schick test. Typhoid is not immunised by triple antigen while tetanus, diptheria and whoophing cough are immunisations done with the use of DTP vaccine.


Which of the following insecticide is obtained from the roots of Derris elliptica ?

  • Cinerin

  • Nicotine

  • Rotenone

  • Pyrethrum

Which is the closest pet of human being ?

  • Cat

  • Cow

  • Dog

  • Buffalo

Which of the following represents Klinefelter's syndrome?

  • XX

  • XO

  • XY

  • XXY

The bacterial disease which is found in chickens is :

  • rickets

  • Ranikhets

  • fowl fox

  • fowl cholera


Creosote is used to prevent:

  • rusts of wheat

  • dry rot of wood

  • loose smut of oats

  • brown rust of barley

A person with the sex chromosomes XXY suffers from :

  • Down's syndrome

  • Turner's syndrome

  • Gynandromorphism

  • Klinefelter's syndrome

The phase of menstrual cycle in humans that lasts for 7-8 days, is :

  • menstruation

  • luteal phase

  • ovulatory phase

  • follicular phase

Which one of the following statement with regard to the embryonic development in humans is correct ?

  • Cleavage results in a hollow balls of cells called morula

  • Cleavage in mammalian ova is unequal holoblastic and horizontal

  • Rearrangement of blastomeres, a central cavity is formed inside the morula

  • Cleavage bring about considerable increase in the mass of protoplasm


Reproducing new plants by cells, instead of seeds, is known as :

  • Mutation

  • antibiotics

  • biofertilizer

  • tissue culture