Multiple Choice Questions


Inheritance of ABO blood groups illustrates

  • polyploidy

  • multiple allelism

  • euploidy

  • dominance



Inheritance of ABO blood groups is an example of multiple allelism. Multiple alleles are three or more alternative forms of genes or alleles occupying the same locus. Bernstein (1925) proposed that inheritance of ABO blood types of man is determined by a series of three allelomorphic genes IA, IB and i.


Which of the following are most abundant types of antibodies ?

  • IgA

  • IgE

  • IgG

  • IgM

A colourblind mother and normal father would have

  • colourblind sons and normal/carrier daughters

  • colourblind sons and daughters

  • all colourblind

  • all normal

Ruminate endosperm occurs in

  • Annonaceae/Areca nut

  • Compositae

  • Cruciferae

  • Euphorbiaceae

Autosomes in humans are

  • 11 pairs

  • 22 pairs

  • 23 pairs

  • 43 pairs


Haeckel's biogenetic law or recapitulation theory states that

  • life history of an animal reflects evolutionary history of the same

  • progeny resembles parents

  • mutations are acquired characters

  • all organisms begin their life from zygote

The earliest fossil form in phylogeny of horse is

  • Merychippus

  • Mesohippus

  • Eohippus 

  • Equus

Cranial capacity of modern man is

  • 450-650 cc

  • 600-1000 cc

  • 900-1100 cc

  • 1200-1600 cc

The most primitive cell like chemical aggregates capable of growth and division were

  • chemoautotrophs

  • eobionts

  • prokaryotes

  • microspheres


Name the ship on which Darwin got opportunity for a voyage of world.

  • Titanic

  • Vikrant

  • Vectoria

  • Beagle