Multiple Choice Questions


From outer to inside the sequence of three bones present in the middle ear of mammals is

  • malleus, stapes and incus

  • stapes, malleus and incus

  • malleus, incus and stapes

  • incus, malleus and stapes


malleus, incus and stapes

The middle ear cavity in mammals characteristically contains a chain of three little bones or ear ossicles extending between the tympanic membrane and the fenestra ovalis. These are called malleus (hammer), incus (anvil) and stapes (stirrup) because of their characteristic shapes.


The reabsorption of water in the kidney is under the control of

  • LH

  • ADH

  • STH

  • ACTH

Compond squamous epithelium is found in

  • stomach

  • intestine

  • trachea

  • pharynx

Movements by pseudopodia of Amoeba are due to change in

  • pressure

  • atmosphere

  • temperature

  • viscosity

Which vitamin should not be stored?

  • Calciferol

  • Retinol

  • Niacin

  • Ascorbic acid


Protein present in silk fibre is

  • caesin

  • keratin

  • elastin

  • fibroin

Solenocytes are associated with

  • respiration

  • digestion

  • excretion

  • nutrition

The cavity of diencephalon is known as

  • I ventricle

  • II ventricle

  • III ventricle

  • iter

Moulting hormone is secreted by

  • corpora cardacum

  • corpora allata

  • neurosecretory hormone

  • prothoracic gland


In sea anemone, the symmetry is

  • radial

  • bilateral

  • spherical

  • absent