Multiple Choice Questions


Apical dominance is caused by

  • auxin

  • gibberellin

  • kinetin

  • ABA



In most of the plants, as the apical bud grows, the growth of lower axillary buds is suppressed. Removal of apical bud results in the growth of lower buds. The auxin (IAA) of the terminal bud inhibits the growth of lateral buds. This phenomenon is known as apical dominance.


In CAM plants, CO2 acceptor is

  • RuBP

  • PEP

  • OAA

  • PGA

Which one of the following is a natural growth inhibitor?

  • NAA

  • ABA

  • IAA

  • GA

Root hair absorbs water from soil through

  • turgor pressure

  • ion exchange

  • osmosis

  • DPD

During DNA replication in prokaryotes DNA is anchored to

  • chromosome

  • mesosome

  • nucleolus

  • ribosome


Which of the following is not caused by deficiency of mineral?

  • Chlorosis

  • Etiolation

  • Shortening of internodes

  • Necrosis


  • inhibits PS- I

  • inhibits PS- II

  • destroy chloroplast

  • inhibits oxidative phosphorylation

Ginger is an underground stem. It is distinguished from root because

  • it lacks chlorophyll

  • it stores food

  • it has nodes and internodes

  • it has xylem and vessels

A genophore is made up of 

  • a single double stranded DNA

  • a single stranded DNA

  • RNA and histones

  • histones and non- histones


Iodine is obtained from 

  • Laminaria

  • Chlorella

  • Polysiphonia

  • Porphyra