Multiple Choice Questions


A substance that induces dormancy of seed is

  • ABA

  • GA

  • thio-urea

  • cytokinin



ABA or Abscisic Acid induces dormancy in buds and seeds. The buds as well as seeds sprout only when abscisic acid is overcome by gibberellins.


Which of the following element is responsible for Minamata disease?

  • Hg

  • Pb

  • Cd

  • Fe

Dimorphism of chloroplast is found in

  • C3 - plants

  • C4 - plants

  • CAM plants

  • Both (b) and (c)

Plants purify air by which process?

  • Photorespiration

  • Photosynthesis

  • Photophosphorylation

  • Transpiration

The Gram (-) bacteria detect and respond to the chemicals in their surroundings by

  • muramic acid

  • lipopolysaccharide

  • volutin granules

  • porin


One of the characteristic of sieve tube is

  • it is a part of phloem

  • function is transport of inorganic solutes

  • it is dead cell

  • sieve plate is not present

Which one of the following statement correctly define the term homonym?

  • Identical name of two different taxon

  • Two or more names belonging to the same taxon

  • When species name repeats the generic name

  • Other name of a taxon given in a language other than the language of zoological/ botanical nomenclature

Mesoglia is seen in between

  • ectoderm and endoderm

  • ectoderm and mesoderm

  • mesoderm and endoderm

  • just below mesoderm

Chromosomes replicate in which stage of meiosis?

  • Prophase- I

  • Prophase- II

  • Telophase- I

  • Interphase


Which of the following is called stress hormone?

  • Abscisic acid

  • Auxin

  • Cytokinin

  • Gibberellic acid