Multiple Choice Questions


A man of 'A' blood group marries a woman of 'AB' blood group, which type of progeny would indicate that man is heterozygous ?

  • O

  • B

  • A

  • AB



Progeny with blood group B will be produced when man is heterozygous, that is, IAIO.


Eustachian canal connects

  • middle ear with external ear

  • middle ear with internal ear

  • external ear with internal ear

  • pharynx with middle ear

The reabsorption of water in the kidney is under the control of

  • LH

  • ADH

  • STH

  • ACTH

The vital capacity of human being is about

  • 1200 mL

  • 4800 mL

  • 2400 mL

  • 3600 mL

The hormone which stimulates constriction of gall bladder

  • gastrin

  • secretin

  • glucagon

  • cholecystokinin


In sea anemone, the symmetry is

  • radial

  • bilateral

  • spherical

  • absent

A sponge harmful to oyster industry is

  • Cliona

  • Euspongia

  • Hyalonema

  • Spongilla

Which of following organ can be called a sort of "blood bank" ?

  • Heart

  • Spleen

  • Liver

  • Lungs

During meiosis crossing over occurs at

  • pachytene

  • zygotene

  • leptotene

  • diakinesis


Which vitamin should not be stored ?

  • Calciferol

  • Retinal

  • Niacin

  • Ascorbic acid