Multiple Choice Questions


Thigmotaxis is not shown by

  • Paramecium

  • Amoeba

  • Ascaris

  • Hydra



Ascaris do not show thigmotaxis.

Amoeba shows thigmotaxis. On coming in contact with a solid object Amoeba generally avoid it by moving in a different by forming pseudopodia.

Hydra is known to respond to a variety of stimuli, both external and internal. On contact with a solid object other than a prey, the whole body usually contracts rather rapidly.

On contact with a hard solid object Paramecium induces avoiding response.


Which of the following is the largest gland in an adult man?

  • Thymus

  • Liver

  • Thyroid

  • Pancreas

In Pheretima, septa are absent between which segments?

  • 3/4 and 9/10

  • 4/5 and 8/9

  • 5/6 and 7/8

  • 7/8 and 6/7

During emergency which of the following hormone is secreted?

  • Aldosterone

  • Thyroxine

  • Adrenalin

  • Calcitonin

In cockroach, larval and nymphal characters are maintained by

  • ecdysone

  • salivary glands

  • parotid gland

  • juvenile hormone


Which of the following is a transparent tissue?

  • Tendon

  • Fibrous cartilage

  • Hyaline cartilage

  • All of these

Rh factor is present in

  • all vertebrates

  • all mammals

  • all reptiles

  • man and rhesus monkey only

In rabbit, end of a long bone is connected in another by

  • tendon

  • ligaments

  • muscle

  • cartilage

Which of the following cell type is capable of giving rise to other cell types in sponges?

  • Thesocytes

  • Pinacocytes

  • Cnidocytes

  • Archaeocytes


Animals having a built in thermostat to maintain constant body temperature are known as

  • biothermic

  • poikilothermic

  • oligothermic

  • homeothermic