Multiple Choice Questions


Tuberllarians are free living

  • nematodes

  • cestodes

  • flat worms

  • trematodes


flat worms

Tuberllaria is a Class of Phylum- Platyhelminthes. These are free living flat worms and are majorly aquatic. It consists of cilia, unsegmented body, mouth ventral, suckers absent with tango, chemo and photoreceptors, eg, Planaria.

Trematoda is a Class of Phylum- Platyhelminthes. Also known a s flukes, body is without cilia, unsegmented with suckers and hooks, egFasciola etc.

Cestoda is also one of the Class of Phylum- Platyhelminthes. Commonly called tapeworms; are generally without cilia and sense organs, body is segmented, digestive system absent, eg, Taenia.


The intermediate host of Schistosoma is

  • Snail

  • mosquito

  • housefly

  • sheep

The vitamin which is essential for blood clotting is

  • Vitamin- A

  • Vitamin- B

  • Vitamin- C

  • Vitamin- K

The female genital pore of Pheretima posthuma located upon the segment

  • 14th

  • 16th

  • 18th

  • 15th

Polyp phase is absent in

  • Hydra

  • Aurelia

  • Physalia

  • Obelia


In frog heart, there are cardiac muscles which consists of fibres called

  • Purkinje fibres

  • myonemes

  • telodendria

  • columnae carnae

Malphigian tubules are

  • excretory organs of insects

  • excretory organs of frog

  • respiratory organs of insects

  • endocrine glands of insects

In Mollusca, eye is present over a stalk, called

  • ostracum

  • operculum

  • ommatophores

  • osphradium

The characteristic larva of Phylum- 'Coelenterata' is

  • planula

  • cysticercus

  • rhabdiform

  • wriggler


In blood, CO2 is transported majorly as

  • sodium carbonate

  • carboxyhaemoglobin

  • bicarbonate

  • CO2 as such