Multiple Choice Questions


The embryo at 16 celled stage is known as

  • morula

  • gastrula

  • blastula

  • blastomere



Morula is the embryo at the 16 celled stage. It is a mass of cells resulting from the cleavage of the ovum before the formation of a blastula.

Blastomere is any type of cell produced during cleavage.

Blastula is the early developmental stage of a metazoan, following morula stage and consists of single, spherical layer of cells that encloses a hollow, central cavity.


the group of Anamniota includes

  • reptiles and birds

  • birds and mammals

  • fishes an amphibians

  • reptiles and mammals

Which of the following provides most evident proof of evolution?

  • Fossils

  • Morphology

  • Embryo

  • Vestigial organs

Chromosome complement with 2n - 1 is called

  • monosomy

  • nullisomy

  • trisomy

  • tetrasomy

In rabbit, head of epididymis present at the head of testis is called

  • vas deferens

  • cauda epididymis

  • gubernaculum

  • caput epididymis


Which of the following is not vestigial in man?

  • Tail vertebrae

  • Nails

  • Nicitating membrane

  • Vermiform appendix

Jumping genes in maize were discovered by

  • Hugo de Vries

  • Barbara McClintock

  • T H Morgan

  • Mendel

Synsacrum of fowl consists about

  • 29 vertebrae

  • 3 vertebrae

  • 16 vertebrae

  • single vertebrae

Animals undergoes inactive stage during winter, is known as

  • aestivation

  • hibernation

  • adaptation

  • acclimatization


Small fish get stuck near the bottom of a shark and derives its nutrition from it. This kind of association is called as

  • antibiosis

  • commensalism

  • predation

  • parasitism